Snake River

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newBookmarkLockedFalling The Khaos All Around
Shadow 1 172 by Forsaken Demon
Mar 30, 2009 14:24:59 GMT -6


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Snake River
The Snake River is flat and wide, rushing in parts and still in others. Bushy trees line its unknown length. The river carves a path from the far east all the way through hilly terrain, past the village until it empties at the coast. A primary water source with many tributaries joining in with its flow. Warm enough year round that it doesn't freeze and doesn't often see snow. Prey is plentiful along the riverbanks and makes for an easy catch. At one spot along the river a tall sculpture of a howling wolf is raised up on a stony platform. Almost all of the elemental wolves claim this as a gift from the gods, a promise of strength and solidity for their packs. Yet none of the wolves know where or when it arrived.
This is a neutral land.
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