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newBookmarkLockedFalling Land of the Sky wolves (gunolf cont.)
krrazy 5 247 by amiron
May 10, 2009 5:19:34 GMT -6


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Sky Pack
Tucked away between rising peaks, this grassy valley sits at a low altitude. A cool breeze often is brought from the mountains as well as snow in winter, but rarely does the valley encounter extreme weather. Generous miles of rolling green hills and meadow surround a single crystal clear lake. The mountain faces are rocky with plenty of low ledges and outcroppings. Coming up and through an accessible mountain pass, a single path winds down the southernmost mountain until it becomes a worn down trail meandering toward the lake. This south pass is the only way in or out for those limited to all fours.

Above all, this blossoming haven is covered by a wide expanse of cerulean sky. There are few trees or other such shelter to find shade. Rather the wolves den in either deep mountain caves or dug out holes in hillsides. Verity, as named, is a peaceful home to those of the Sky element. This is Sonic's domain and though a generally docile, easygoing wolf — he will protect the land and its wolves from trespassers.

Alpha Male: Sonic
Alpha Female: none
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