Island of Forgotten Souls

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Banana 1 167 by Forsaken Demon
Mar 22, 2009 10:30:19 GMT -6


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Island of Forgotten Souls
Long ago at the forming of the world, two islands were created from the force of nature. One, the Lost Island, was born from an underwater volcano. The second, a larger island broke off from the mainland. A narrow strip of land and rocks bridge the island to the lush green mainland shore. There is no particular name for this, most wolves in the area call it the "land bridge" or something similar. Crossing it takes little time, and before long the wide stretch of island comes into view. This green paradise is called the Island of Forgotten Souls. Rich with colorful creatures and sandy white beaches, the sun is almost always shining and the temperature unaffected by seasons. An unassuming place wrapped in grisly tales of horror. In the past wolves were exiled here to live out their days. Their remains are scattered across the island in between stone ruins of the past.
Wander here in the sunny days and enjoy it! Fear only the night.
This is a neutral land.
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