âme en Fue

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Soul of Fire
Forsaken Demon 8 306 by P e r i s h ♪ ♫
May 14, 2009 19:37:56 GMT -6


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âme en Fue

âme en fue: soul of fire

This land of fire solely lives on the heat of the mountain in the center of the land. Underground rivers of the boiling lava keep the earth heated and void of snow all year long. Grass grows plentiful in areas further from the heated soil near the wide mountain range to the east. To the west, a great plain stretches on before dropping into a canyon of redrock and a river of lava below that flows from the underground lines. There is hardly any cloud cover over this land and the sun helps to keep the area heated even more so. For some, the heat is too much, and they son die of dehydration or lack of 'air'. The heated air makes it seem like you are suffocating and every once in a while the volcano will burst, sending clouds to the skies and ash to the earth.

In the forest of the mountain range is a large lake for wolves to quench their thirst. Game is plentiful here as is shade from the foliage. It is told that once every ten years, the moon and sun are in perfect alignment and the moon cannot be seen for a week straight. In this time, the sun burns for the whole of day and night until the week passes and the two planets go back to their normal cycle. At this time, the fire elementals have their powers at their highest and are much more lively than normal.

Alpha Male: Ra
Alpha Female: No one
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