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newBookmarkLockedFalling Can't hold back the tide.
krrazy 0 197 by krrazy
Mar 31, 2009 13:10:30 GMT -6


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Water Pack

As the cool winds rustle the sharp grasses and crisp leaves of the other packlands, they only cast a shy glance at the titanic lake surround by dark marble walls. Inside the valley, very little vegetation grows apart from that along the bottom of the lake which still remains quite bare. Along the outsides of the mountain walls, however, are thousands of pines that litter the ground with their wintery scent. To outsiders, this marked area appears unattractive and dead. To the true water wolves, the hidden grottos are a home, a sanctuary, and a palace unique to all of the lands. Lead by the alphess, Aeris, the pack sticks to honor and honesty –a rare commodity in this twisted world. Those who wish to join must be strong of heart and mind with a conscience as clear as the waters of their great lake.

Alpha Female: Aeris
Alpha Male: None
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